Xanthan Xenology Xanthan Script
The Xanthan homeworld is a Class O planet located inside the Delphic Expanse. It is home to a gigantic floating trading bazaar where shopkeepers such as B'Rat Ud and Zjod make their homes. One of the planet's native animals is the Xanthan marmot.
In September 2153, the NX-01 Enterprise visted the Xanthan homeworld to do business with B'Rat. While there, Jonathan Archer helped one of Zjod's slaves, Rajiin, to escape. Rajiin had actually been planted in Zjod's shop by the Xindi a few days earlier.
The Xanthan homeworld is half a lightyear from Oran'taku.
ENT "Rajiin"
Text from the Memory Alpha, the free Star Trek reference

. Xanthan Xenology Xanthan Script
Floating Trading Bazaar